

KYOCERA Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd

Kyocera delivers products and services that delight our customers. The "customer first" principle is our top priority. Satisfying customers requires us to have strong capabilities on the work floor - a necessary starting point for any work, including manufacturing - as well as the "power to achieve," which permits us to accomplish worthy goals without fail. Our practice of the Kyocera Philosophy and the Amoeba Management System are both extremely important for this. Both originated from Kyocera' s management based on a bond of human minds.

KYOCERA Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd

Country: Singapore
Address: 298, Tiong Bahru Road, #13-03/05 Central Plaza
Postal Code: S168730
Website: http://www.kyocera.com.sg

KYOCERA Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd

Address: 298, Tiong Bahru Road, #13-03/05 Central Plaza Postal Code: S168730 Website: http://www.kyocera.com.sg

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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